
A single-touch approach to environmental approvals: First tranche of EPBC Act reforms introduced

This latest review commenced on 19 October 2019 and examines the operation of the EPBC Act and the extent to which its objectives have been achieved.

Victorian SRO releases guidance on economic entitlements

Recently the Victorian State Revenue Office released guidance on its website on its interpretation of the economic entitlement provisions contained in the Duties Act 2000 (Vic).

Funding boost for Victorian clean energy projects

The Victorian Government announced plans to test interest and capacity for a minimum of 600 megawatts of new solar, wind and other renewable generation projects state wide, in a bid to drive the...

ACCC releases Gas Market Inquiry 2017 – 2025 Interim Report

A summary of the key findings and recommendations drawn from the Gas Market Inquiry 2017 – 2025 Interim Report released on 17 August 2020 (Report).

Extension of temporary COVID-19 relief from insolvent trading liability and statutory demands

The operation of temporary COVID-19 relief measures for businesses in the hope of aiding distressed companies and preventing further economic breakdown will be extended until 31 December 2020.

Regional hospital wards off misuse of market power claim

Ramsay Health Care Australia Pty Limited successfully defended Federal Court proceedings brought by the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission for misuse of market power (under the old...

Commonwealth Government introduces a Bill to establish the Grid Reliability Fund

If enacted, the Bill will establish the Grid Reliability Fund (Fund) under the Clean Energy Finance Corporation Act 2012 (Cth) (Act) and appropriate $1 billion to the Fund.

2020 Australian investment funds landscape

As part of our most recent Australian Foreign Investment Update, our investment funds specialists highlight the recent, main regulatory developments that are likely to be of interest to offshore...

Modern slavery reporting in Australia: COVID-19 and other updates

Deadlines to lodge your Modern Slavery Statement(s) have now shifted to account for the disruption and complications caused by COVID-19.

ACL redefines “consumer” up to $100k: how will your business be impacted?

From 1 July 2021, the Australian Consumer Law's definition of “consumer” will change with the monetary threshold of $40,000 increasing to $100,000.

Is it time for a superannuation fund merger?

With mounting pressure from the regulator and the burden of administrative costs, super funds are making the decision to merge more often than before; at least 28 have taken the step since 2014.

Common sense prevails for personal leave: High Court decision in Mondelez

The High Court of Australia handed down its much awaited decision about personal leave entitlements in Mondelez Australia Pty Ltd v AMWU & Ors and Minister for Jobs and Industrial Relations v AMWU ...

Seven Shortlisted for ARENA’s Renewable Hydrogen Deployment Funding Round

On 20 July 2020, the Australian Renewable Energy Agency announced that seven companies have been shortlisted to advance to the full application stage of ARENA’s Renewable Hydrogen Deployment...

August Australian energy & resources market update

Our update covers mining, oil and gas, electricity and renewable energy.

What the latest FIRB reforms mean for Australia’s infrastructure investment

The Federal Treasurer has announced reforms to Australia’s foreign investment framework which will come into effect on 1 January 2021.

Lessors’ Priority Preserved: Implications for Post-Appointment Trading and DOCAs

In its recent judgment involving the PAS Group of companies , the Federal Court held that rent payable by the PAS Group during an extension of the period in which an administrator had been excused...

Water Regulator flexes its muscles in NSW prosecution against Whitehaven

The introduction of the NSW Natural Resources Access Regulator (NRAR) in 2017 marked a shift towards far greater scrutiny of compliance by water users with the complex web of water laws and...

Labour hire – contractors or employees?

Following on from the May 2020 Full Federal Court decision in Rossato, in July 2020 the Full Federal Court handed down its judgment in another labour hire case, Construction, Forestry, Maritime...

Which RPM notifications have been successful and why?

Resale price maintenance (RPM) has traditionally been regarded as anti-competitive because it can mute price competition between retailers, resulting in higher prices for consumers who wish to...

Much talk, now action: defamation law reform is here

New South Wales Parliament has today passed the Defamation Amendment Bill 2020.

Review your workplace COVID Plan

Yesterday’s announcement by the Victorian Premier of the Stage 4 restrictions for workplaces means it is timely for employers to review their COVID Plan.

Tax implications for R&D activities subsidised by JobKeeper payments

ATO releases draft TD 2020/D1 Income tax: notional deductions for R&D activities subsidised by JobKeeper payments

Litigation funding regulation

The Corporations Amendment (Litigation Funding) Regulations 2020 (Regulations) were published on 23 July 2020.

Independent review of the EPBC Act

Earlier this week, Professor Graeme Samuel AC released his Interim Report of the Independent Review of the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (Cth) (EPBC Act).
