Vocational educational training (VET) providers play a key role in the development and maintenance of a productive national economy through the provision of a skilled workforce.

Our work in the education sector includes acquisitions of leading Australian education and vocational training providers, national and multi-award winning education and training providers, and majority interests in online learning companies. Our advice to clients regarding consolidation efforts is noteworthy in a sector characterised by a high level of fragmentation.

Our expertise in education transactions covers:

  • negotiation and finalisation of transaction and ancillary documents
  • coordinating multi-million acquisitions funded by excess cash, drawdowns on established debt facilities, a mix of cash and shares
  • coordinating contingent payments based on operating results with options to purchase any remaining shares, and additional payments of shares subject to conditions (eg. the achievement of forecast results)
  • finalising acquisitions subject to conditions precedent including approvals from regulatory bodies in key geographies
  • advice and representation in dealings with regulatory bodies, including in responding to adverse audit or registration outcomes.


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