
Validly constituted committees of inspection

Owen, in the Matter of RiverCity Motorway Pty Ltd (Administrators Appointed) (Receivers and Managers Appointed) ("RiverCity") [2014] FCA 1008 -- It has been"accepted practice" in company

Liquidator's lien prevails over secured creditor

Stewart v Atco Controls Pty Ltd (In Liquidation) [2014] HCA 15 ("Atco") -- In a good outcome for Liquidators and litigation funders, Atco has overturned a unanimous decision of the Victorian Court

Maintaining confidentiality of sensitive documents in litigation

The case of Alcoa of Australia Ltd v Apache Energy Ltd [2014] WASCA 148 provides the latest guidance on a court's power to impose a confidentiality regime on the inspection of discovered...

Not quite the landmark

High Court corrects the error, but stops short of giving builders of commercial property unqualified comfort -- The High Court of Australia has unanimously overturned the New South Wales Court of...

REPORT 408: ASIC reviews implementation of Platform policy

In June 2013, ASIC updated its policy about platforms and published Regulatory Guide 148 Platforms that are managed investments schemes

Search engine optimisation and trade mark infringement under Australian law

Many businesses use search engine optimisation strategies as part of their online marketing strategy to generate online traffic. This raises...

High Court says 'no' to mutual trust and confidence

In the highly anticipated decision of Commonwealth Bank of Australia v Barker [2014] HCA 32 (10 September 2014), all five members of the High Court of Australia have held that there is no term of...

Workwise: executive departures and recruitment

JWS represented Seven Network (Operations) Pty Limited (Seven) and its executive programmer John Stephens in successfully defending the Supreme Court proceedings brought against them by Network Ten...

Positive changes to Queensland property laws

Queensland...s Parliament has introduced more amendments to the state...s property legislation that aim to streamline the sale of property, especially for the sale of lots The...

Galilee Basin/Abbott Point coal projects in courts in Queensland

Projects in the Galilee coal basin in Queensland are expected to generate billions of dollars of investment in Queensland in the near future. There have been two significant recent court cases...

ASIC report on regulating complex products

In January 2014, ASIC published Report 384: Regulating Complex Products (Report), which'sets out the recent work done by ASIC's Complex Products Working Group and identifies opportunities for ASIC...

Enforcing construction payment claims

On 24 April 2014 the Western Australian Court of Appeal handed down a unanimous decision in the case of Diploma Construction (WA) Pty Ltd v KPA Architects Pty Ltd...

Court approval of litigation funding agreements for liquidators

Re Ascot Vale Self-Storage Centre Pty Ltd (In Liq) - It is a common occurrence for a liquidator of a company to enter into a funding agreement with a third party, for the purpose of the company

From the courts: adverse action and other developments

At the end of March, it seemed that the Courts recognised that employees could not make vexatious complaints to found a basis for an adverse action...

Full Federal Court decision in RCF

On 3 April 2014, the Full Federal Court handed down its decision in Commissioner of Taxation v Resource Capital Fund III (RCF), L.P. [2014] FCAFC 37, allowing the Commissioner's appeal against the...

High Court warns to take care with 'reasonable endeavours' clauses

The case of Electricity Generation Corporation T/As Verve Energy v Woodside Energy Ltd & Ors [2014] HCA 7 (5 March 2014) provides the latest guidance on drafting 'reasonable endeavours'...

Keeping but amending Part IIIA - the Productivity Commission's recommendations on the National Acces

In February 2014, the Productivity Commission's (PC) final report to the Government on the National Access Regime under Part IIIA of the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 was...

New regulations for onshore oil and gas activities in Western Australia

Western Australia is becoming more popular in the unconventional gas space, with the State potentially containing an estimated 280 trillion cubic feet of shale and tight...

Offshore petroleum and greenhouse gas regulation amendments

The Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage (Environment) Regulations 2009 (Cth) were amended by the Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage Legislation Amendment (Environment Measures...

Some international tax developments

This article discusses topics including ATO amnesty for offshore income, tax disclosure and transparency, transfer pricing documentation - ATO guidance, and OECD discussion draft on preventing...

Tying up the market - when your contracts cumulate into anti-competitive conduct

The long-awaited decision of the Federal Court in ACCC v Cement Australia demonstrates that if you seek to "tie up" the market through contractual arrangements with your suppliers (or customers

Adverse action claims - reaching new heights

The general protections provisions of the Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth) (the Act) are becoming an increasingly popular forum of redress for individuals and unions. In the last financial year over...

Repair, replace or refund? The costly consequences of getting it wrong: the HP case

It is standard practice for a company to have clearly articulated policies about consumer refunds including the circumstances in which the company may seek to repair or replace defective products...

Sharp business conduct or unconscionable conduct? The decision in ACCC v Lux

The recent decision of the Full Court of the Federal Court in ACCC v Lux is unsurprising in so far as it confirms that the issue of whether conduct is unconscionable under the Australian Consumer...
