
Conflicted remuneration - new ASIC policy guidance

ASIC has released guidance on its approach to administering the conflicted remuneration provisions of Part 7.7A of the Corporations Act 2001 (Act): Regulatory Guide...

Copyright law reform: should exceptions become the rule?

In our article 'Copyright and the Digital Economy' in the October 2012 issue of Acumen, we outlined the principles directing the Inquiry of the Australian Law Reform Commission (ALRC) in relation

Employment review: what's on the horizon for 2013

2012 was a busy year in employment law and workplace relations. With a Federal election to be held this year, it is likely that 2013 will be another eventful...

Inside information - how 'informative' does it need to be?

In Mansfield v The Queen & Anor; Kizon v The Queen & Anor [2012] HCA 49 the High Court found that, in cases concerning 'insider trading', it is irrelevant whether the information traded on is true

Insolvency practitioners take note - proposed amendments to regulation of the insolvency profession

The Federal Government recently released the draft Insolvency Law Reform Bill 2013 (Reform Bill) for public comment. The Reform Bill contains a number of changes to the way that insolvency...

Limited partnerships - liability of limited partners for partnership tax liabilities

A recent court decision has made clear that limited partners of an unincorporated limited partnership are liable for certain tax liabilities of the

When is a fee not a fee? ANZ pays the penalty

As foreshadowed by Lord Acton, the battle of people versus the banks is well upon us. And it seems the good money is with the

High Court decision on share buy-backs and share capital accounts

On 5 December 2012, the High Court of Australia gave its judgment in Commissioner of Taxation v Consolidated Media Holdings Ltd...

Materiality in continuous disclosure

The High Court's recent decision in Fortescue Metals Group did not, as some had hoped, clarify the materiality threshold for continuous disclosure one way or the

Significant Investor Visa

Under the Federal Government's Significant Investor Visa initiative, a visa may now be obtained by an investor of $5 million in certain complying Australian investments if the investor meets...

Foreign Bribery Update - November 2012

The US Department of Justice and the Securities & Exchange Commission last week issued their long-awaited Resources Guide to foreign bribery, investigations and prosecutions under the US Foreign...

Expert determination - what are the choices?

Dispute resolution clauses in contracts often include an expert determination mechanism to resolve some or all disputes that might arise. Parties need to think about whether expert determination is

Hedge fund disclosure requirements - RG 240

On 18 September 2012, the Australian Securities and Investments Commission released Regulatory Guide 240 "Hedge funds: Improving

Proposed loss carry-back scheme for corporate taxpayers

On 23 August 2012, the Commonwealth Treasury released, for consultation, an exposure package consisting of draft legislation and accompanying draft explanatory memorandum in respect of the...

Proposed ASX amendments relating to mid to small caps

In April 2012, ASX issued a consultation paper proposing amendments to the ASX Listing Rules impacting on mid to small cap listed entities - that is, entities with a market capitalisation of...

Departing employees - longer restraint periods being enforced

A 3 year non-solicitation clause with a liquidated damages provision has been enforced against a former employee of an accounting firm on appeal to the Supreme Court of Victoria. The decision

International arbitration clauses in commercial contracts

International arbitration is an increasingly popular means of resolving disputes in contracts involving cross-border commercial transactions, primarily due to the ease with which arbitral awards...

Building and Construction Industry Security of Payment Act 2009 (SA)

The following attachments provide a useful summary on key issues to consider in connection to the Building and Construction Industry Security of Payment Act

Is ASIC's benchmark disclosure merely regulating disclosure? If not, why not?

ASIC is increasingly requiring offer documents for particular types of products to include disclosure on particular benchmarks. While this may, in some cases, result in improved disclosure, the

Mega-cartel in the automotive parts industry

The automotive parts industry is subject to one of the largest global cartel investigations in recent history by the DOJ, CCB, DG Comp and JFTC. It is possible, if not likely, that other antitrust

Personal Property Securities Act - implications for the resources sector

The Personal Property Securities Act (PPSA) took effect throughout Australia on 30 January 2012. The PPSA can alter your rights to property and the way in which various types of contracts will be...

Joint bids without a 'match or accept' condition

In this article, we discuss the potential for major shareholders to come together to make a joint bid without having to put their stakes at risk with a condition requiring them to "match or accept...

ASX Limited - 'good fame and character' requirement for directors of new listed companies

We previously reported on proposed amendments to the ASX Listing Rules to require an applicant for ASX Listing to satisfy ASX that its directors or proposed directors at the date of listing are of...

Changes to Queensland stamp duty - duty treatment of prospecting and exploration permits and authori

The Queensland Government announced in its Mid Year Fiscal and Economic Review (State Budget 2011-12) released on 13 January 2012 the stamp duty changes to the imposition of duty on direct and...
