New competition laws will apply to generators and suppliers of electricity as of 10 June 2020.
Participants in Australia’s infrastructure sector are, as a general rule, already familiar with the Foreign Investment Review Board (FIRB) and Australia’s foreign investment regime.
The Commonwealth Treasurer exercised emergency powers under the Corporations Act to facilitate virtual meetings and electronic execution of documents by companies.
Navigating trade credit insurance policies.
There has been a substantial uptick in novel climate change litigation in Australia, particularly in the Federal Court of Australia and the Land and Environment Court of NSW.
Anti-bribery laws in Australia are divided between Commonwealth laws applying both within and to some extent outside Australia, and State and Territory laws applying within each State and Territory.
A biodiversity offset is a measure used to compensate for impacts on biodiversity resulting from development or vegetation clearing if there are no other means available to avoid, mitigate or...
In Australia, waste management and resource recovery is primarily the responsibility of state and territory governments.
The intersection of ESG with Australian competition and consumer law aligns with the overarching purpose of regulation in this area: to enhance the welfare of Australians through the promotion of...
In recent years, the measurement of a business’ tax performance has gradually expanded beyond traditional metrics such as effective tax rates to include qualitative factors such as responsible tax...
In 2021, the Federal Government passed legislation which redefined the concept of casual employment and introduced a statutory right for casual workers to be offered conversion to permanent...
In Australia, work health and safety (WHS) (otherwise referred to as occupational health and safety) is governed by a national regime. State based legislation reflects the ‘model law’ as developed...
On 2 December 2021, the Commonwealth Parliament enacted the Offshore Electricity Infrastructure Act 2021 (Act) to establish a regulatory framework for the construction, installation, commissioning,...
At its simplest, modern slavery is any instance of slavery, servitude or forced labour to exploit children or other persons which may occur in the supply chains or internal operations of government...
‘Native title’ refers to the communal or individual rights and interests of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in relation to land or waters, held under traditional law and custom...
From an investment funds perspective, the consideration of ESG factors is most clearly present in the creation of investment objectives and in determining the investment mix that will achieve that...
The proliferation of rights language in the corporate sphere is a relatively new phenomenon, however traces of it can be seen over the centuries.
Investigations by the Fair Work Ombudsmen have revealed widespread, systematic underpayment of wages and other entitlements across the Australian employment landscape. In response, a number of...
World leaders met at Glasgow for the 26th annual Climate Change Conference of the Parties for the purpose of accelerating the goals of the Paris Agreement and UNFCCC.
In 2020, Sex Discrimination Commissioner Kate Jenkins published the Respect@Work Report following the Australian Human Rights Commission inquiry into sexual harassment in Australian workplaces in...
The Commonwealth government established the Renewable Energy Target to ensure that at least 23.5% of Australia’s electricity is generated from renewable sources by 2020.
In Australia, a whistleblower in the private sector is entitled to make anonymous disclosures and be protected from any detrimental conduct resulting from that disclosure where they divulge...
Changes to Australia’s Uniform Defamation Laws will include a defence for scientific or academic peer review, providing greater comfort for academic publishing, but defamation risks for...