
The Corporate Adviser - October 2010

Following the conclusion of the 2010 reporting season for many, and as the practical implications from the amendments to termination benefits laws, ASX Listing Rules and Corporate Governance...

Legal professional privilege for in-house counsel

On 1 September 2010, the Federal Court of Australia (Katzmann J) handed down a decision in Dye v Commonwealth Securities Limited (No 5) [2010] FCA 950 (Dye). The Court in Dye reviewed the decision...

Security for Payment Act 2009 (SA)

South Australia...s building and construction industry will join the rest of Australia when its new Building and Construction Industry Security of Payment Act 2009 (SA) (the Act) comes into...

Commercial Arbitration Act 2010 (NSW)

The Commercial Arbitration Act 2010 (the Act) received the assent of the New South Wales (NSW) Parliament on 28 June 2010, after the Standing Committee of Attorneys General agreed to update the...

Indirect tax sharing agreements

On 28 June 2010 Tax Laws Amendment (2010 GST Administration Measures No. 2) Act 2010 (Cth) (the Act) was given Royal Assent. The Act establishes the legislative framework for entities which are...

Australia's tax information and exchange agreement

Australia, together with other members of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), has entered into Tax Information and Exchange Agreements (TIEAs) with a number of...

New Australia - NZ double tax agreement

The International Tax Agreements Act (No. 1) 2010 (Cth) has enacted into Australian domestic law Australia...s new Double Tax Agreement with New Zealand (DTA). This article highlights some of the...

Going above and beyond: s 439A report leads to removal of liquidators

In Independent Cement and Lime Pty Ltd v Brick and Block Company Ltd (in liquidation) (receivers & managers appointed) [2010] FCA 352, Justice Finkelstein considered the duty of voluntary...

Aftershocks of High Court OHS Decision

The High Court of Australia...s decision in Kirk v Industrial Relations Commission; Kirk Group Holdings Pty Ltd v WorkCover Authority of New South Wales will have a significant impact on the way in...
