
photo of mirrored distorted building
Section 588FDA: indirect benefits to directors risk voiding a mortgage transaction

A recent Federal Court decision provides a useful distillation of the key principles that apply to unreasonable director-related transactions under s 588FDA of the Corporations Act.

building made of morphed mirrors
Voidable transactions: act within the statutory time limit

A Federal Court decision, handed down on Friday, is a blunt reminder that the statutory limitation period in section 588FF(3) of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) needs to be adhered to strictly, and...

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Still call Australia home? Achieving an outbound redomicile

Many growth-stage companies – particularly in the technology and resources sectors – have contemplated changing their jurisdiction of incorporation from Australia to elsewhere.

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Mandatory climate-related financial disclosure – exposure draft legislation released for comment

Treasury has released an exposure draft of its CRFD legislation for public comment. This is the next step towards introducing mandatory and standardised CRFD for medium and large listed and...

sustainable green building
Climate-related financial disclosure Q&A on exposure draft legislation

This short Q&A explains what is in the 12 January 2024 exposure draft legislation.

two corporate buildings
ATO boldly sharpens its tools: multinational intangible arrangements in its sights

Multinational groups who use intangible assets as part of their operations should be aware of two new guidance documents published by the ATO.

corporate building
Is your organisation eligible for a land tax foreign surcharge exemption in Victoria or Queensland?

Foreign surcharges are payable in addition to ordinary stamp duty or land tax. Victoria and Queensland offer exemptions from the foreign surcharges for certain large organisations.

Aerial shot of houses
Taxing times - Victoria prohibits apportionment of land tax and windfall gains tax

The State Taxation Acts and Other Acts Amendment Act 2023 (Vic) was eventually passed, but with a number of amendments made to the initial Bill.

fuel gauge showing no fuel
“The law made me do it” – when misleading labels are not misleading conduct

Last week, the High Court held that a party is unlikely to have engaged in misleading or deceptive conduct if it has made a misrepresentation that is otherwise compliant with a different, more...

corporate building
Victorian Commercial and Industrial Property Tax detail announced

The Victorian Government last week announced further details of the Commercial and Industrial Property Tax (CIPT) that is proposed to be introduced from 1 July 2024.

people walking in corporate building
Recent work health and safety developments

All employers should now have implemented measures to discharge their obligation to take reasonable steps to eliminate sexual harassment and other unlawful conduct in the workplace given the...

aerial shot of water and grassland
Commonwealth Nature Repair Bill passes: offsets are off the menu

Both houses of Parliament have now passed the Commonwealth Nature Repair Bill 2023 (Bill). The Bill received the Governor’s assent on 11 December 2023.

people walking in building
Closing Loopholes Bill: partitioned and passed

Following a deal with crossbench Senators Jacqui Lambie and David Pocock, the Senate split the Fair Work Legislation Amendment (Closing Loopholes) Bill 2023 (Bill). As a consequence, the first...

colourful corporate building
Does failure to investigate amount to copyright infringement authorisation? High Court has final say

The High Court unanimously overturned a 2022 Full Court decision and found that a failure to investigate third-party allegations of copyright infringement by a contractor does not automatically...

Embracing the energy transition: NSW energy policy updates

The NSW Government has proposed a new draft Energy Policy Framework consisting of a number of guidelines and supplementary documentation to support a more streamlined decision making process for...

woman looking at stock graphs
ASX insights: navigating the evolving IPO landscape in 2024

The ASX is likely to introduce a series of new measures in 2024 aimed at streamlining aspects of the IPO listing process, as outlined in a recent adviser briefing.

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Royalty-free contracts will attract scrutiny by the ATO

The Federal Court has held in Pepsi Inc v Commissioner of Taxation [2023] FCA 1490 that international arrangements involving the licence of trademarks and other intellectual property (IP) should be...

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FFSP AFS licensing exemptions tabled in the Australian Parliament

On 30 November 2023, the Treasury Laws Amendment (Better Targeted Superannuation Concessions and Other Measures) Bill 2023 (Amendment Bill) was tabled in the Australian Parliament.

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Above Board: Board Advisory and Governance Update

Our quarterly update covers recent developments in the governance space.

transmission tower
The global energy transition – some inconvenient truths

There is one simple yet inescapable fact that is not yet widely understood – that renewable energy alone is not going to get us to net zero.

Accessing shareholders' email addresses through the register

A recent decision of the Western Australian Supreme Court confirmed a company’s obligation to hand over shareholders’ email addresses when complying with its obligation to provide a copy of the...

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Better understanding governance failures

“It’s fine to celebrate success, but it is more important to heed the lessons of failure.”

Blue ocean wave
Liquidator's remuneration vs employee creditors: who gets priority to circulating assets?

In this decision, the Court of Appeal of the Supreme Court of NSW considered the interplay between the priority regimes under ss 556 and 561 of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) (Act) in resolving a...

What's next for big coal?

BHP and Mitsubishi selling their Daunia and Blackwater coal mines in central Queensland to Whitehaven for a higher than expected price of US$4.1 billion (including deferred and contingent payments)...
