From 1 October, we expect to see significant changes in the way that companies offer equity to their Australian personnel. For many businesses, new rules in the Corporations Act significantly...
The long-awaited changes to the Corporations Act’s disclosure rules and related requirements for employee share schemes have become law.
The Federal Court has approved one of the more novel schemes of arrangement in recent times, where the bidder (already a major shareholder), required that both the target’s Executive Chairman...
The information to be sent to target shareholders seeking their approval of a scheme of arrangement is required to include whether or not each director recommends approval of the scheme; or if a...
The Takeovers Panel has updated its guidance on preparing bidder's statements and target's statements, and this guidance is less prescriptive than the approach the Panel put forward in an earlier...
Recent decisions in England, Australia and New Zealand highlight the uncertainty surrounding the interpretation and application of exclusion clauses that use 'catch-all' language such as...