William Oxby Partner

William is an environment and planning lawyer with over 20 years’ experience specialising in native title advisory and dispute work.

He acts for clients to procure environmental, planning, mining and other regulatory approvals required for developing and expanding major energy, resources, renewables and infrastructure projects. William also assists on the negotiation of Indigenous land use agreements and the acquisition of land affected by native title; prepare cultural heritage surveys; and secure cultural heritage approvals.

William is a trusted advisor to his clients in the development, acquisition and disposal of energy, resources and infrastructure projects throughout Australia. William’s clients include both the private sector as well as State and Commonwealth government agencies.


Career & qualifications


  • Law Society of Queensland

Insights Read more insight

What is a “right to mine” and what is an “infrastructure facility” in the Native Title Act?

The High Court has delivered its decision in Harvey v Minister for Primary Industries and Resources [2024] HCA 1.

Due diligence, assignment clauses – consent ‘not to be unreasonably withheld or delayed’

A recent Supreme Court decision in New South Wales provides timely guidance on how a Court will approach whether a person has unreasonably withheld consent to assignment and how long proceedings...

Environment & Climate Regulation 2023: Lexology GTDT

Partner William Oxby and Associate Jessica Day chapters in Environment 2023 and Climate Regulation 2023 in Lexology's Getting The Deal Through have recently been published.
