Evan Mentiplay Special Counsel

Evan is an employment lawyer specialising in employee related advisory and litigation work.

He acts for multinational corporations, government agencies and local employers to assist them with their employment and industrial relations matters.  This work includes acting in bargaining and bargaining disputes, responding to lawful and unlawful industrial action by employees and unions, advising employers in relation to responses to industrial action by employees, acting in disputes as to the application and interpretation of industrial agreements, safety-related disputes, and disputes over union rights to represent employees.

He has significant experience in relation to disciplinary action and dismissal, equal opportunity and discrimination, bullying, whistleblower complaints, enforcement of post-employment contractual obligations, redundancies, workplace health and safety, managing ill and injured employees, and performance management.

In addition to his general industrial and employment law experience, Evan has also advised clients on corporate restructures and transactions, including in relation to impact on contractual arrangements, employee benefits and entitlements, and industrial coverage, and advising on the effect of the transfer of business provisions under the Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth).

Career & qualifications


  • Doyle’s Guide, Rising Star 2017


  • Bachelor of Arts, Monash University
  • Bachelor of Laws (Hons), Monash University


  • Melbourne Cricket Club

Insights Read more insight

Workplace delegates’ rights and other employment changes from 1 July 2024

Under changes to the Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth) (which were part of the Closing Loopholes amendments) enterprise agreements voted on by employees on or after 1 July 2024 must include a term regarding...

Employer must request employees to work on public holidays

The Full Court of the Federal Court of Australia in Construction, Forestry, Maritime, Mining and Energy Union v OS MCAP Pty Ltd recently confirmed that in order to comply with the National...

Labour hire – contractors or employees?

Following on from the May 2020 Full Federal Court decision in Rossato, in July 2020 the Full Federal Court handed down its judgment in another labour hire case, Construction, Forestry, Maritime...
