Members of JWS' South Australian pro bono team – Lucy Charleston (left), Jade Edwards, Ondine Baker, Eve Thomson, Grace Black, Audrey Lian, Edwin Fah and Christopher Beames.

We participate in a number of legal clinics, providing advice to individuals who cannot afford a lawyer.
Adelaide Homeless Legal Clinic
Our lawyers support the JusticeNet SA Homeless Legal Clinic at the South Australian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (SACAT). The clinic assists vulnerable clients at risk of homelessness by offering advice on their tenancy and property rights and legal options, as well as assistance with preparing written statements for submission to SACAT. In recognition of our team’s positive community contribution working with the Clinic, in 2024 JWS was awarded The Law Society of South Australia Pro Bono Award.
Victorian Self Representation Service
Our lawyers support the Victorian Self Representation Service by assisting clients of Justice Connect’s Access Program. The Self-Representation Service can assist people representing themselves in some types of cases in the County Court and Supreme Court in Victoria. Our team provides clients with legal advice, guidance on court processes, helps clients prepare for mediation and assists with tasks such as correspondence and court forms.
Marrickville Legal Centre – Youth Legal Service (YLS)
The YLS provides assistance to individuals on criminal law, civil matters, employment disputes, traffic offences and general legal inquiries. Our team provides advice to young people across NSW who fall below the poverty line but are ineligible for free legal services through Legal Aid and cannot afford private legal advice or representation. We provide advice in relation to employment law, consumer law and traffic law, as well as general civil legal advice in connection to access to justice, education and interacting with government agencies.
UNSW Tax & Business Advisory Clinic
The UNSW Tax & Business Advisory Clinic provides free tax and business advice, community education and research-driven advocacy for those most in need. It supports unrepresented, lower income or vulnerable individual and small business taxpayers in managing their tax affairs. JWS supports the Clinic on a project designed to alleviate systemic issues affecting individuals experiencing domestic violence, particularly financial abuse. Clients have sought assistance in circumstances where they have acquired tax debts and liabilities or suffered from identity theft and fraudulent activity. We continue to advocate for change in ATO procedures to deal with tax debts and liabilities arising in these circumstances with a view to ensuring fair and efficient outcomes for individuals experiencing domestic violence.
LawRight’s Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal (QCAT clinic)
We assist clients seeking review of decisions related to Blue Cards, anti-discrimination or rights to information and privacy. Our goal is to achieve practical dispute resolution outcomes for these vulnerable clients who cannot afford private legal assistance or do not qualify for Legal Aid.
For further information on Legal Clinics, please contact Frances Dreyer, Partner, at frances.dreyer@jws.com.au or Kathryn Bertram, Partner, at kathryn.bertram@jws.com.au.