We have close, ongoing relationships with a number of charities to whom we provide legal services in the areas of employment, tax, contracts, governance, discrimination, disputes, privacy, intellectual property, technology, leasing and property. We assist with day-to-day legal work and partner on major projects. Over the past four years we have acted for 190+ charities in 440+ matters.
We offer the opportunity of a pro bono gap year to university graduates as a ‘year out’ to work exclusively on matters that will have a positive impact on the community, all while giving certainty of a commercial role at the end of the year.
Work highlights
St Vincent de Paul Society (Vinnies) – We provide ongoing legal support to Vinnies in various areas of commercial law, including employment, privacy and IT, property, trademarks, contracts, dispute resolution and taxation. We recently assisted in urgently reviewing documents for a response to a regulator concerning one of Vinnies’ homelessness services.
Social Outfit – We provide ongoing legal support to a retail and fashion-based charity and social enterprise that provides employment, training and social inclusion for refugee and new migrant women. Our support includes providing advice on contracts, taxation, employment, dispute resolution and property matters.
Roses in the Ocean – Roses in the Ocean is a charity helping stem the tide of suicide. We assist with a variety of commercial legal matters, including contracts, intellectual property, privacy, collaboration agreements and employment.
Global Sisters – Global Sisters is a charity that provides micro lending and other support to women facing forms of disadvantage who cannot access traditional finance. We act for Global Sisters in the areas of employment, insurance, intellectual property, privacy and general corporate law. We recently conducted a pre-publication defamation law review of Global Sisters’ book GRIT, which contains stories of sisters that Global Sisters has assisted, who have overcome significant disadvantage in the form of domestic violence and other abuse, disability, mental illness, war and homelessness. We also support Global Sisters through a legal referral hotline service.
Street Law – Street Law is a specialist community legal centre that provides free legal assistance to individuals at risk of homelessness. We advocated and provided expert support to a victim of financial abuse, through the Australian Financial Complaints Authority conciliation process, and successfully achieved compensation for full financial loss suffered.
Secondments – We have ongoing secondments with a number of key relationship charities including Justice and Equity Centre (formerly Public Interest Advocacy Centre), Marrickville Legal Centre, Youth Law Australia, Street Law and Oxfam.
For further information on Charity Partnerships and Secondments, please contact Frances Dreyer, Partner, at frances.dreyer@jws.com.au or Kathryn Bertram, Partner, at kathryn.bertram@jws.com.au.