18 March 2025

Above Board: Board Advisory and Governance Update – Autumn 2025

Dr Pamela Hanrahan, Isaac Evans, Justin Harris
Quick summary

The autumn edition of our Above Board quarterly update covers need-to-know recent developments in corporate governance and board practice in Australia.

  • The ASX Corporate Governance Council announced that it has ceased work on a fifth edition of the Corporate Governance Principles and Recommendations. For now, listed entities will continue to report against the fourth edition of the principles (2019) on an “if not, why not” basis. 
  • The Australian Prudential Regulation Authority released proposed changes to its governance standards for banking, insurance and superannuation. The proposed changes will open an important debate on board composition and tenure that will have implications beyond the financial sector.
  • The Australian Securities and Investment Commission (ASIC) released its discussion paper Australia’s evolving capital markets: A discussion paper on the dynamics between public and private markets, seeking feedback by 28 April 2025. Its release coincided (although probably not intentionally) with a decision by the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Corporations and Financial Services not to adjust the monetary thresholds that separate wholesale from retail markets in financial products and services despite those thresholds having been in place since the late 1990s. 
  • The final report of the statutory review of the meetings and documents amendments to the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth), that facilitate electronic member communications and virtual and hybrid meetings, was tabled in Parliament. Work has now begun on best practice guidelines for conducting member meetings using technology. 
  • ASX has revised its position on naming counterparties when announcing material contracts, when the identity of the counterparty is not price sensitive. 
  • ASIC closed its consultation on guidance for entities that are subject to mandatory climate-related financial disclosure under ch 2M of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth). In February, the European Union adopted a package of proposals to simplify EU rules and boost competitiveness that, among other things, sought to reduce the burden of sustainability reporting. 
  • The Australian Government signed the Statement on Inclusive and Sustainable Artificial Intelligence for People and the Planet at the AI Action Summit in Paris in February. The statement builds on the work of the Bletchley and Seoul Summit Declarations. 
  • In the charities space, the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission completed its review of the sector’s management of safeguarding risk. The review highlights the role of board and committee members in safeguarding risk oversight. 
ASX Corporate Governance Council abandons work on new edition of CGPR
APRA consults on changes to governance standards
ASIC consults on the dynamics between public and private markets
PJC decides to retain existing wholesale/retail financial markets distinction
Government responds to virtual meeting and digital execution review
ASX revises the rules on disclosing the identity of contract counterparties
ASIC consults on sustainability disclosure, while EU winds back sustainability reporting
Australian Government signs Paris Statement on Inclusive and Sustainable AI
ACNC urges charities to review safeguarding risks

Robust governance is the key to every successful, sustainable and resilient business. Our specialist Board Advisory & Governance team works closely with boards and senior management in understanding stakeholder expectations and meeting contemporary governance standards.