Investing in Australian Real Estate

Legal guides Written by Carrie Follas (Partner), Paul Turner (Partner), David Colenso (Consultant), Ivor Kaplan (Consultant)

This brochure provides global investors a practical and quick overview about real estate investments in Australia, which includes answers to some of their commonly asked questions.

For further information about the points addressed in this document and how this information may be of assistance to you, please contact any of the partners listed below.

Important Disclaimer: The material contained in this article is comment of a general nature only and is not and nor is it intended to be advice on any specific professional matter. In that the effectiveness or accuracy of any professional advice depends upon the particular circumstances of each case, neither the firm nor any individual author accepts any responsibility whatsoever for any acts or omissions resulting from reliance upon the content of any articles. Before acting on the basis of any material contained in this publication, we recommend that you consult your professional adviser. Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation (Australia-wide except in Tasmania).

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