JWS advises on Golden Beach underground gas storage project

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JWS is advising GB Energy Holdings Limited (GBE) in relation to the development of a proposed underground gas storage facility in Victoria. When developed, the facility will involve the storage of natural gas in the Golden Beach gas field, which is located approximately 4km off the coast of Gippsland. Gas will be moved into and out of the facility through a pipeline which will connect with existing transmission infrastructure in the vicinity of the Longford gas hub.

We have been assisting GBE with a range of legal and regulatory issues relating to the development, including land access and native title, as well as with various agreements for the supply of equipment and services. We have also assisted the company in relation to equity raising and debt financing, as well as negotiation and drafting of gas sales and storage agreements with the foundation customer of the project, Origin Energy.

Most recently, we advised GBE in relation to its entry into a non-binding but exclusive Transaction Process Deed with Australian Gas Industry Group (AGIG). The agreement sets out the process for negotiating and drafting documentation pursuant to which AGIG will fund, build and operate the midstream infrastructure for the project.

The JWS team assisting GBE is being led by Peter Rose, and also includes partners John Keeves, Craig Wappett, Peter Smith, Paul Turner and Andrew Wilton.

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