Environment, Social & Governance Hub


Taking action that will positively impact the environment is no longer just about regulatory compliance. Investors and consumers are increasingly looking to companies that can demonstrate they are taking action to reduce their impact on the environment. Understanding your legal requirements and opportunities is the first step.  


The wellbeing of people is imperative to any organisation. From your employees to local communities and global value chain, organisations must have policies and procedures in place to keep the people they impact safe and protect their human rights. Australia has recently implemented new Modern Slavery laws and made changes to employment laws to protect workers, both locally and throughout global value chains.


The “G” in ESG essentially refers to the legislation and governance requirements organisations must adhere to surrounding ESG issues. Failing to comply can have both regulatory and reputational impacts, and can also leave companies potentially exposed to litigation risk. Embedding ESG into decision making and reporting within an organisation is now critical to the sustainability of organisations into the future.